Dear Aroga Yoga students and online visitors,
We bring you some videos here that you can continue your practice at home. We also share some kids yoga practices for families with kids.
In solidarity of these difficult times when our yoga school and classes do not work, should you feel like you can contribute or donate any sum of money to help us bring you these videos week after week.
Thank you so much fro our heart for your support.
Here are our bank details:
ArogaYoga Ahuja
Bank:Post Finance
IBAN:CH62 0900 0000 6177 3800 1
Pranayama in the fight against COVID-19
Yoga asana and pranayama practice 001 Practitioner: Steffi
Om namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya
Yoga Asana Class - Lower Back
Mantra Singing - Ang Sang Waheguru
Kinder Yoga Stunde für Kinder zwischen ca. 4 und 8 Jahren
Yoga asana and pranayama practice 002 Practitioner: Steffi