“Let the sunshine in our heart; light the hearts of others.”
Gurdeepak Singh
is a qualified Yoga (Asanas & Pranayama) teacher and a hobbyist mountaineer living in Bern, Switzerland. A lot of his growing-up years were spent in the Indian Himalayan and Karakoram mountain ranges, from where his love for nature comes. He believes natural settings are a catalyst for deep Self reflections.
Gurdeepak has a Post-Graduation in Human Resources and an advanced Masters in Sports Management from the International Academy for Sport Science and Technology at the EPFL, Switzerland. He has worked for in sports industry for multiple years at the International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation (UIAA) in Bern, Switzerland.
With his background in sports and the values that asana & pranayama practice (physical exercises & breath work) brings for the body; was born the idea of Aroga School.
Additionally, with his roots in a life that promotes spiritual knowledge (Atman Gyaan) he tries to impart whatever he has learnt and from his experience.
He collaborates with his wife Stephanie to offer many courses in outdoor natural settings that are often the best environment for learning.
Mountain Leader, VBV Vorarlberger Mountain Guides Association
Experienced-Registered Yoga Teacher, Yoga Alliance International
Stephanie Kaur
(Steffi), is a pedagogue and a certified Cranio-Sacral Balancing Practitioner.
She teaches kids and adults asanas with fun & creative elements. Whether in the Human Mandala, Partner exercises or the creative Surya Namaskar, there is always a chance for participants to present their creativity.
Steffi also brings a lot of experience working with essential oils and kinesology to her courses. Most important for her is the heart connection to oneself and with the other students.
Registered Kids Yoga Teacher
Our associations
Alina Vollmer
Für Menschen und Unternehmen am Wendepunkt. Organisationsentwicklung und Coaching.